When the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 240 degrees around November 22 each year, it is the time for Xiaoxue, or Light Snow, the 20th solar term. When it’s cold and damp outside, it’s good to eat some tonifying foods such as beef and mutton. Let's explore what Beijingers will eat in chilly winter.

Beijingers’ Favorite 10 Dumpling Restaurants

Dumpling (Jiao Zi) is also called zhu bo bo by the Manchu and Mongolian people in Beijing. People usually eat dumplings together, because it is the symbol of family reunion. Sometimes, coins are put in it, which means good fortune.


Where to Eat Instant-boiled Mutton in Beijing?

Beijing instant-boiled mutton hotpot is a typical Beijing-style food. Eating it has been a tradition for most Beijingers in winter, because it can keep warm as well as strengthen bodies.


Beijingers’ Favorite in Winter

Lamb spine hot spot is the most favorite food for Beijing people in cooler days. Lamb spine looks like scorpion and it’s normally called Lamb Scorpion.


Where to Find Best Soup in Beijing?

In such cold days, it’s amazing to have a bowl of hot soup. The question comes. Where can we find the best soup in Beijing? Here is the list.



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